Node.js is an advanced, open-source, event-driven, asynchronous input/output system used for sites that offer real-time interaction. Several instances of such sites would be web-based browser video game portals, live chat rooms or hotel reservation portals. Node.js processes the info sent between the site and its users in little bits, which accelerates the loading speed and the performance of the site noticeably. If some form with 3 boxes has to be filled by a user, for instance, typically all three boxes should be filled out and the entire content is then delivered as one sizeable chunk of information to the server. With Node.js, the content in the first box is processed the second it is entered, before the user writes anything in the second box. Thus, much more information can be handled a lot faster and more effectively in comparison to any conventional platform, which can exert a significant impact on the overall performance of the site. Node.js is already being employed by some of the biggest IT corporations such as Yahoo and Microsoft.

Node.js in Hosting

When you host an Internet app on our advanced cloud hosting platform and you wish to try out Node.js, you will be able to add it to your hosting account irrespective of the hosting plan that you use. You can make this from the Upgrades menu in the Hepsia Control Panel and you will be able to take advantage of Node.js in no more than several minutes after you add this service to the account. You will be able to choose how many instances you wish to add to the account – one instance means that one application will be using Node.js. In the new section that will appear in the Control Panel, you can specify the path to the .js file in your hosting account and select if the file in question will be accessible via the physical server’s shared IP or via a dedicated one. Our system will also designate a port number for the connection. You’ll be able to deactivate or to restart each instance independently, in case it’s required.

Node.js in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you purchase a semi-dedicated server package from us, you will be able to make use of the full potential of Node.js with any app that you host on our cloud website hosting platform, because it’s included with each and every package that we’re offering. You can specify the number of instances, or apps that can use Node.js, via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel with which you can control your semi-dedicated account. The only things that you will have to do after that will be to define the path within the account to the .js file that will use Node.js and to pick the IP that will be used in order to access this file. You can pick a dedicated IP address if you’ve got one, or any of the server’s shared IP addresses. Our platform will also set a random port. Using the Node.js controls inside the Hepsia Control Panel, you’re able to view a given app’s output or to start/reboot/deactivate any of the instances that you have activated.

Node.js in VPS Servers

Node.js is included by default with each VPS server that comes with the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel and imposes no limitations in regard to the number of sites that can use it at any particular time. This makes our Virtual Private Server plans an ideal solution for building multiple real-time script-driven web apps and for taking full advantage of each of them. The Hepsia Control Panel is user-friendly enough even for users with no previous experience, so if you wish to set up Node.js for any application, it won’t take more than several clicks to make this. You’ll simply need to enter the path to the .js file in question and to choose if Node.js will use the physical server’s shared IP or a dedicated one. Our system will also allocate a particular port that will be used to access the .js file. Right after that, you’ll be all set and will be able to make use of the full potential of your real-time applications. Hepsia will permit you to check the output of the apps and to restart or to discontinue any of your instances using quick-access controls.

Node.js in Dedicated Servers

If you decide to buy one of our dedicated servers for your script-based applications and if you select the Hepsia hosting Control Panel on the order page, you’ll be able to make use of Node.js at no additional fee, as the event-driven platform is included in our in-house built Control Panel tool. Since our servers are truly powerful, you’ll enjoy stunning results even if you use multiple Node.js instances at the same time. The setup requires several clicks and the Hepsia Control Panel’s graphical user interface will make it incredibly easy for you to create a new instance even if you have little or no prior experience. Inserting the path to the .js file and selecting a dedicated or a shared IP address will be everything that you’ll have to do yourself and once our system has specified a port number to access this file, you’ll be all set. Any of the instances that you have created can be rebooted or deactivated separately and you’ll have access to an exhaustive output log for each of the applications that use the Node.js platform.