Daily Data Back-up in Hosting
When you order any of the hosting packages we offer, you can leverage the backup feature featured with our packages by default and at no extra cost. We will create a copy of your files and databases not once, but at least 4 times each day, so whenever a problem shows up on your Internet site for some reason, we will speedily restore everything, and in the toughest scenario, your site shall be restored the way it was just a few hours ago. There are 2 ways for a backup to be restored - you may contact us with a support ticket and we will do what’s required on our end within an hour, or you may directly copy the info from the backup to the live site folder from the File Manager section of the Hepsia web hosting CP, where you will find all of the backups that have been set up listed in chronological order.
Daily Data Back-up in Semi-dedicated Servers
As part of our semi-dedicated server packages, we generate day-to-day backup copies of all of the Internet sites and databases set up on our advanced website hosting platform. Furthermore, this happens no less than 4 times per day, so you could forget about the old and frequently worthless backups that most hosting companies offer. You shall be able to browse the backup folders within the File Manager section of the Hepsia CP, which comes with the semi-dedicated accounts. It shall take just a few clicks to copy the backed-up content to the domain folder where you require it and the saved version of your site shall be live at once. However, if you aren't sure what you should do, you may always open a trouble ticket and ask for a backup from a given time and date to be restored by our support team. By using our services, you'll never have to be worried about losing precious info, no matter what.