Webmail is a useful substitute for desktop and smart phone email apps if you do not have access to your personal machine and also you don't have a smart phone. You will be able to gain access to your emails through any Internet browser, so you can remain in touch with people if you travel around and you drop by an Internet cafe, for example. Webmail apps are rather advanced, so you will not only be able to send and receive emails, you can also make use of an address book, create a personalized signature or even set up new folders, that can later show up in your PC e-mail app. You should know that the e-mail messages displayed in the webmail are those on the server, so if you set up an email in a PC app with the POP protocol, the messages will be saved on your hard drive and they will not be available in the webmail. The answer in cases like this is to use the IMAP protocol whenever you create your e-mails inside a desktop application.

Webmail RoundCube in Hosting

In case you have a hosting with our company, you will be able to make use of Roundcube, a high level webmail app. You're able to access it through the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, used to manage the account, or exclusively by entering a URL in your Internet browser and then entering your email address and the password for it. You will be also capable to open the software using your own URL http://webmail.your-domain.com if the emails are used by a business or maybe an organization, for instance. Roundcube contains pretty much all the options that you could need from an e-mail client and you can quickly create distinctive identities for a specific e-mail, create and use an address book, make folders or HTML signatures, pick the time zone according to what your location is currently, and much more.

Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated server plans that we provide have an excellent webmail app called Roundcube. It may replace virtually any desktop e mail app given it has all the capabilities that you might want - in addition to sending out and receiving messages, you can make folders to organize your correspondence, set up an address book to control your contacts quickly, create different identities for the very same e-mail or include a personalized HTML signature that can show up automatically in all new messages that you write. It is easy to access Roundcube either directly via its login page where you need to type the complete email address and its particular password, or through the Emails part of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, where you can just click on an email and log in without entering any password. If you prefer, you may even make a webmail login URL with your domain and employ it as opposed to our standard URL.